House Details 1
In this issue, we had the honour to help Miss Marta de Jesus, with 450€. (please read the magazine's philosophy, in the field About Us)
Marta has spina bifida, hydrocephalus, and a serious scoliosis. She's an ostomized person, doesn't have bladder as a result of a urostomy. Marta was subject to 36 surgical interventions, to the head, spine, hips and feet, among others.
mother's phone number: 00351 936635183
(2018 April 21th)
House Details 2|3
In this issue, we had the honour to help Miss Adriana Carvalho, with 450€.
(please read the magazine's philosophy, in the field About Us)
Adriana has cerebral palsy, is blind and has epilepsy.
Her level of disability is 100%.
Already had operations to the eyes (four), the basin and the column.
We thank to Associação Salvador (,
because it was throught a survey that we carried out on their website,
that we were aware of Adriana´s situation.
Father's cell phone: 00351 939427021
(November 2018)
House Details 4 - Volume I
In this issue, we had the honour to help Mr. Rui Rosinha with 450€. Rui was one of the Firemen, burned in the fire of June 17, 2017 in Pedrógão Grande; Due to the very high temperatures that he was exposed to and the extremely long evacuation time, he had been in a coma for two and a half months to withstand surgeries and clinical procedures; had 20% of the deep and third degree burned body area. He suffered multi-organ failure, had to be connected to the ECMO machine, had 4 documented cardiorespiratory arrest. In six months of hospitalization was submitted to 16 surgeries. He had a severe motor-sensitive axonal polyneuropathy, which translates into severe pain in the lower limbs, lack of strength and atrophy of muscles and nerves, and other symptoms. It has the brachial plexus of the left arm "shredded", which translates into poor use of this limb and the hand of the same side, without strength and mobility. Rui has a certificate of incapacity of 85%. It depends on third person to dress, to put on, intimate hygiene, bath,etc. To Rui will be proposed a pension in the future, with the approximate value of € 270. Rui thinks that the Portuguese Firemen's League will support him at the time of the pension, in compensation for the remaining value of the salary he received at the time of the tragedy. Rui is no longer covered by the Insurance Company. Family contact: 00351 963939265
(2019 April 16th)
House Details 4 - Volume II
In this edition, we had the honor of being able to help Anabela with 450 €. Due to gravity, we transferred the money long before (June 19) the launch of the magazine. Anabela has already fought 3 tumors and now has a very advanced cervical cancer. The last resort, as announced on television, are specific vaccines provided in Germany. For more information and other donations, please contact the family: +351 934955200
(22 July 2019)
House Details 5
Having heard of a case on television we were expecting to attribute the donation to a young man who was receiving IPO treatment in Oporto, but due to his family’s refusal we established contact with the nearest IPO (Portuguese Institute of Oncology) in Lisbon.
We asked the collaboration of Dr. Célia Rosa to find a situation that we could support, at a certain point of our conversation, I mentioned that I could also ask the assistance of a retired nurse I know who had worked for decades at the IPO. Maria Victória Mourão, who is now 93 years old and of whom I have a deep respect and affection. Dr. Célia suggested that we support the IPO Patient’s home since they had a shortage of television sets in their bedrooms.
People hosted in this building were in great need, extremely ill and very often alone in Lisbon, most of them come from outside the district. It was fate that the day before our conversation Dr. Célia would receive the number of bedrooms that did not have televisions. Destiny wanted the nurse to be acknowledged because she rejects flattery and told me several times that she had no value for what others credit her for (which she rightfully deserves). Many decades ago, she was the person responsible for the creation of the Patients home of which Dr. Celia was talking about.
Long ago, the nurse fervently asked Dr. Vitorino Magalhães Godinho, then the minister of education (the IPO belonged to Education department due to the research they were conducting), to create a home for the sick (and their family members), especially for people that lived outside Lisbon, so that they could rest from the exhausting, and very harsh cancer treatments they were subjected to.
She insisted that it was very hard for them to come daily from far away, in their fragile physical condition. Additionally, many were in financial difficulty. That day, a home intended for nurses was being completed on the grounds of the IPO. Nurse Maria Victória, being aware of the situation, asked the Minister who was visiting another part of the Institute, all heartily, and in a justified way, that it should be allocated for the IPO Patients home instead. That was promised on the same day, and the request was granted and complied by the governing official.
Fate wanted that justice should be made by recognizing her actions, so we made our small contribution in the name of a great and extraordinary woman, responsible for a good that is impossible to quantify and according to so many people, she was an angel in that Portuguese Institute of Oncology.
We know that our contribution is small and that nurse Maria Victória deserves a public event of recognition, but, if all goes well, the cycle will not end with this action alone.
How many lives have been saved over the years, due to her fantastic actions? By allowing so many youngsters to stay in the hospital, and recover, how many children did they have? How many grandchildren came to know their grandparents who were in the IPO when they were not yet born? And what about the children of the sick who were saved, how much happier and better parents they became and in turn given birth to happier children?
I finish as I started in the title, this donation happens thanks to you, the reader. This is because I would also like you to realize that there is a lot of you in this story. In this donation there is a great deal of you who contributed with the televisions for the IPO Patient’s home and the joy they provided.
Sincere appreciation
This time the donation was 570€, this amount permitted the purchase of 3 televisions and wall supports. IPO contact: Dr. Célia Rosa, telephone (+351) 217229800 Ext. 1947)
Photos: IPO Patient’s home entrance and the retired nurse Maria Victória Mourão (a little angel)
(Jul 2020)
House Details 5 - 2nd Edition - 2nd House Details 5 monetary donation
In this 2nd edition of the magazine with regard to Arch Souto de Moura, we were pleased to be able to give another donation to Mr. Rui Rosinha, in the amout of 570 euros (450€ Dec 2020 + 120€ Jan 2021). The first donation was given in House Details number 4 vol.1 (2019).
Rui was one of the Firemen, burned in the fire of June 17, 2017 in Pedrógão Grande; Due to the very high temperatures that he was exposed to and the extremely long evacuation time, he had been in a coma for two and a half months to withstand surgeries and clinical procedures; had 20% of the deep and third degree burned body area.
He suffered multi-organ failure, had to be connected to the ECMO machine, had 4 documented cardiorespiratory arrest.
In six months of hospitalization was submitted to 16 surgeries. He had a severe motor-sensitive axonal polyneuropathy, which translates into severe pain in the lower limbs, lack of strength and atrophy of muscles and nerves, and other symptoms.
He has the brachial plexus of the left arm "shredded", which translates into poor use of this limb and the hand of the same side, without strength and mobility.
Rui has a certificate of incapacity of 85%. It depends on third person to dress, to put on, intimate hygiene, bath, etc.
Mr. Rosinha receives a miserable income of 488 euros/month from the Portuguese State, despite having almost lost his life and being left with very serious injuries (with consequent family suffering) for the rest of his life, for defending the heritage and well-being of all the Portuguese.
It would be impossible to live on these earnings. When the Portuguese Fire Brigade League found out about this situation, they awarded Mr. Rosinha a monthly sum of 282 euros.
This is how a person who practically has his life destroyed by our country, earns little more than the minimum wage.
We believe that what Mr. Rui Rosinha did for all of us deserves a lot more.
Family contact: 00351 963939265
(Jan 2021)

(book) Álvaro Siza in detail - volume 2 - €1000 donation
As in March 2021, we give this new donation to the Pontes de Caridade Association, which belongs to the Parish of the Churchs Nossa Senhora de Fátima, in Lisbon, as they have very extensive knowledge regarding helping those in need.
The money will be used to buy walkers and other accessories, as well as medication for people who otherwise would not have access to it. Sometimes, the lack of access to medicine prevents these people from even leaving their homes, due to walking difficulties and others, and from doing what is most essential in their lives.
The money was transferred on May 31st, in the receipt, Clara e Costa Lda is the name of our company, that owns House Details and Técnica Livraria.
Pontes de Caridade Association contact: 96 931 87 15
Link to the website of the Patriarcado de Lisboa:
(May 2022)
Book launch event for "Álvaro Siza in Detail – Vol. 1”,
with architects Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto de Moura, António Madureira, and Nuno Teixeira
All donations made by House Details come from our profits, but during this event we decided to start something new and collect donations from the public, which will be given to institutions of recognized merit. To that end, we set up a box at the entrance of the auditorium so the audience could make their own donations, at the care of the bookshop of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Oporto. The box was opened by the staff of the bookshop, who counted a total of 3€ in audience donations. House Details made an additional donation of 150€, and the total amount will be donated to the Institute of Oncology of Oporto.
(The event took place on June 9, 2022, and the donation was made on July 2022.)
(book) Álvaro Siza in detail - volume 1 - Second edition - 2600€ donation
(1300€ were donated to the Institute of Oncology of Porto and 1300€ were donated to the Institute of Oncology of Lisboa )
(December 2022)
1ª Edição : House Details 6 - 5000€ donation
The announcement of the intention to award scholarships to working students was made through the social networks (facebook and instagram) of House Details and Técnica Livraria. Posters were also sent to the student associations of the various faculties of architecture in the country. Contents were also posted on walls and flyers were left on students' desks (the latter left there by us and by students, friends of ours). Unfortunately, we only received 5 applications.
The student n. 25037 from the University of Évora was awarded the amount of 4,500€, as it was considered to be a situation of extreme difficulty, at all levels. The student n. 201001152 from the University of Porto was awarded 500€. We would like to thank the five candidates for having shared with us their experiences and constraints. To all of them, we acknowledge the merit of an excellent career and a way of being worthy of mention. We are sure of their success at all levels and that they will be rewarded by life.
The announcement of the intention to award the grants, began in March, House Details 6 was launched in May and the cash was handed over in June.
(May 2023)
2ª Edição : House Details 6 - 5000€ donation - open applications
As with the first edition, House Details is making €5,000 available for scholarships for student workers.
Since it was founded, House Details has donated a very substantial part of its profits (which, of course, does not include the sums earmarked for publishing, re-editing and publisher's expenses) to various initiatives of a social nature, without resorting to sponsorship for these purposes, so please only apply if you are facing financial difficulties.
If you know someone who meets the conditions for applying, please pass on the content of this email to them.
° We cannot accept cases where, for example, people want the scholarship so that when they finish the course they can use the money "to travel" or "to rent a bigger house" (requests that have been made to us).
° Please send a detailed description of your situation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
° A meeting will be arranged, either in person or by other means. Please don't apply by falsifying data, all of which is checked thoroughly, because for us the amount is very considerable.
° Documentation will only be requested after the meeting.
° ATTENTION: Please do not send anything to the above-mentioned email address after the application period, as it was created for this purpose only and will not be checked again. For any urgent matters, please contact us through the normal channels.
° There is no fixed amount per grant. A maximum of 10 may be awarded, but each case will be given an amount corresponding to the need of each individual, compared to the other candidates.
° Deadline for applications: 30 June 2024
° In justified social situations, House Details may award partial amounts, before the application deadline, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the total amount allocated to the scholarships.
° If you're struggling to make ends meet but aren't applying because you think others are worse off, apply today.
House Details has had a social mission since it was founded.
Cheers and see you soon
The editor
(Former student-worker)
we would like to inform you that we have finally been able to start analysing the delivery of student grants.
No date has been set yet, so we apologise.
We're doing our best to keep it short.
Thank you very much
The House Details team